Not all the photos I put up here were taken ten years ago or five years ago, or several weeks ago, or yesterday. This one, I took about an hour ago, when out shopping:
Yes, leaves on the ground, the traditional signs that say: summer is definitely over. And it is. Today I awoke to discover that I had got up an hour earlier than I thought. In three days time, it will be November. Even as I write this, a lady on my television is prophesying the first of many frosty nights, of the frosty season.
The good news is that throughout this frosty season I will be able to see, and photo, stuff through the trees, instead of the trees just blocking everything out.
What surprises me is how green some of these particular leaves were. I guess many of them fall off while still green and only a day or two later turn brown. Photoing makes me see more.