This bit of video is all over my Twitter feed just now.
Prediction, the best cricket batsmen are about to get a lot better, because the bowling machines they practise on will be getting a lot better.
And then? A new game will be invented, consisted of bowling machines bowling an identical set of deliveries to competing batsmen, the way they now deal identical hands to competing bridge players.
How soon before robot bowlers compete against robot batsmen?
Note how the bowling machine actually bowls underarm.
But the funniest thing about this robot overlord is how it goes back to its default submissive posture, after it has done its apocalyptic damage.
Like this, you mean?
Done by the same… *gasp* CGI artist as the 10-pin bowling one.
(I was also fooled for a while…)
I hate the internet.
I stand by my predictions. My posting was fake but accurate.